expansive `capabilities

Who is LuxView?

LuxView started by way of a chance encounter combined with passion and relentless drive. These elements have been refined into an entrepreneurial venture to manufacture minimalist door and window systems that engage the senses, right here in the USA.

It all started while I was traveling in London, and what began as merely a business trip, turned into a fortuitous meeting with a European door & window expert.  Matt, an English engineer, was clearly doing something different with sliding door and window systems.

The phenomenal views he creates, thanks to minimal sight-lines and massive glass, were simply inspiring. The product allows a whole new way of seeing the outdoors from within a home.

This is how minimalist design can uplift the spirit and engage the senses.

I came home from this trip completely obsessed by the design and function of these doors and windows. Some may have seen this as merely aluminum and glass, but I had discovered a new-found passion – to blur the lines between interior and exterior environments with awe-inspiring door and window systems that enhance spaces.

So, I partnered up with my new English friend and set out to bring this world-class European design across the pond, all paired with our incredible American craftsmanship capabilities.

Today, LuxView is proudly uniting spaces by blending indoor and outdoor environments. Our story is being written, one view at a time.

– Kempton


Founder & CEO


Director of Sales - West


Director of Installation - West


Director of Installation - East


Director of Engineering


Director of Finance


Director of Manufacturing


Project Manager


Project Manager


Project Manager


Project Manager